Fall 2018 (6) スペイン人の義理の弟について + ”上級へのとびら”テキストの説明 (1)

Today’s Random Talk

Hi everyone, it’s Hanako.

With what purpose do you learn Japanese?

My sister’s husband, Daniel, is Spanish. He has lived in Japan for four years.

The person featured in my JLPT N3 to N5 challenge video is Daniel.

JLPT N5 challenge with Daniel

He lives a the house 1 kilometer away from my house. He finally found a nice engineer job two months ago.

Actually, my sister (his wife) had a full-time job, and Daniel was taking care of their kids and the housework.

He used to work as a pipe architect at a well-known Spanish oil company.

I was surprised when I heard about his office.

I thought his Japanese coworkers talk a bit in English, however, nobody speaks English at all.

On the top of that, they write e-mails to Daniel using difficult honorific, humble, and business language in Japanese.

I then thought that Japanese people really don’t try to write e-mails in Japanese that is easier for foreigners.

Actually, his Japanese is different from other Japanese learners. He is not good at speaking, however, he is good at reading and writing.

It’s like Japanese people who are not good at speaking in English but better at reading and writing.

I was surprised that Daniel understands emails which is written in difficult Japanese, and he replies in very good Japanese without our help.

Daniel seems to like learning Japanese at his desk, however, he does not like chatting with others since he is not the extroverted type.

I think there is no problem for him to work at his current company since he is good at listening, reading and writing

Since he is not good at speaking, I assumed that he was not good at reading and writing either.

Currently Japanese workers depend on Daniel at the site where they are building a pipe plant.

Good luck with your Japanese learning!

I told you through e-mail that I would like to use the textbook called “joukyuu no tobira” starting from November.

We have two more lessons in October, though, we will start working with random talk listening challenges, then I will explain, and then explain the flow of the new lesson.

So, for the next lesson and following lesson, the explanation of the “joukyuu no tobira” will be the lesson.

Then, we will actually use the textbook starting from November.

Also, I have a request. Can I change the lesson time one hour later beginning next week?

Actually, I can’t be energetic at seven in the morning because I am sleepy. It’s okay to watch the recorded lesson, so thank you for your understanding.

Also, I will attend a Japanese teaching seminar on October 28, so let me do the live lesson on October 27.

So, here is the lesson schedule:

10月21日(日曜日)日本時間午前8時 ー 雑談リスニングチャレンジー その説明ー 上級のとびらの説明(2)
Oct 21 (Sun) @ 8am (Japan time) – Random talk listening challenge – explanation follows – Explanation of “joukyuu no tobira” (2)

10月27日(土曜日)日本時間午前8時 ー 雑談リスニングチャレンジー その説明ー 上級のとびらの説明(3)
Oct 27 (Sat) @ 8am (Japan time) – Random talk listening challenge – explanation follows – Explanation of “joukyuu no tobira” (3)

11月4日(日曜日)日本時間午前8時 ー 雑談リスニングチャレンジー 上級のとびらレッスンスタート(1)
Nov 4 (Sun) @ 8am (Japan time) – Random talk listening challenge – explanation follows – New lesson using “joukyuu no tobira” begins.

(1) Why we are using “joukyuu no tobira”?

It’s more efficient to use the textbook to study Japanese.

“Joukyuu no tobira” is nice, well-organized textbook.

It’s designed to develop all around skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing.

We can learn oral Japanese and written Japanese.

People who purchase the book will have access to online tools.

If you buy the book, the password to use the online tools will be the English word at the top of page 6.

『上級へのとびら』は、日本の地理・歴史からポップカルチャーまで、様々なトピックを通して 4技能を伸ばす画期的中級上級日本語教科書です。本サイトと合わせて使用することで、マルチメディアを使用した言語習得を促し、外国在住の学習者でも日本語環境に触れることができます。また、漢字、文法の副教材も充実しています。
“Tobira is a groundbreaking intermediate to Advanced-level Japanese textbook designed to develop the four language skills through the study of a variety of different topics from Japanese geography and history to pop culture. Tobira promotes language learning through the use of multimedia materials and information in this site and establishes a support system via the Internet so that learners outside Japan have access to a Japanese language environment. Accompanying volumes, including a kanji workbook, a grammar workbook, also support Tobira users.”

(2) The level of the “joukyuu no tobira”

JLPT N2レベル

The flow of the lesson



Do you have any questions?