Pet Cremation in Japan – 日本のペットの火葬

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Last month, my sister’s 18-year-old cat Gigi passed away last month.

When I saw how the pet funeral service cremated Gigi, I remembered the movie, “Okuribito”.

There are some bad pet funeral services that don’t care about the pet and bring back bones that is not the lost pet’s bone.

However, this one was different. They treat deceased pets carefully.

They bring their wagon car in front of the pet owner’s house, and cremated the pet in the car in about 3 hours.

I asked him like, “Isn’t this car more expensive than a Ferrari?” without thinking, and he said it cost more than 10,000,000 yen (about $100,000) since it’s a special custom-made car able to cremate although it’s an old Toyota wagon.

Owners feel relieved since the bone is definitely their pet’s.

On top of that, owners can wait inside of their house while the pet is cremated.

When it’s done, the staff call us inside, and pick the bones carefully to put in a white box.

And then, the middle aged man comforted my sister by saying this.

Though all pets can’t choose their owners, your family liked Gigi and when she died, you guys cried for her.

There are many dogs and cats killed like garbage, though, you guys cried since you thought of Gigi as part of your family, so I am sure she was very happy with you. ”

I thought Japan’s “Okuribito” thinking is wonderful.

映画( えいが)「おくりびと」は、ちょっとくらい感(かん)じがしますが、面白(おもしろ)いので見(み)てください
It sounds dark, though, the movie, “Okuribito” is interesting. Please watch it!