上級へのとびら CH2−7 (会話文1 /P34)+ ”Destiny of Women” by Ichiyo Higuchi

上級へのとびら CH2−8 (会話文1&2 /P34.35)+ ”Destiny of Women” by Ichiyo Higuchi

樋口一葉 「女性の宿命について」
Destiny of Women by Ichiyo Higuchi


思い浮かぶ(おもいうかぶ)- to come up on my mind
縁談(えんだん)- offer of marriage
養う(やしなう)- to take care of
爆発的な(ばくはつてきな)- explosive
結核(けっかく) – T.B.
抗えない宿命(あらがえないしゅくめい)- inevitable destiny
恋模様(こいもよう)- love story
遊女(ゆうじょ)- prostitute (long time ago)
僧侶(そうりょ)- monk
からかう – to tease
切ない(せつない)- sad
投げ込む(なげこむ)- to throw
崩壊(ほうかい)- deteriorated
見初められる(みそめられる)- to be interested by someone
同情する(どうじょうする)- to have sympathy
荒れる(あれる)- changed badly
以心伝心(いしんでんしん)- they know how the other feel without words
男尊女卑(だんそんじょひ)- Predominance of men over women
挙げられる(あげられる)- to be pointed out
社会進出(しゃかいしんしゅつ) – advance into society
権利(けんり)- right


If you would like to do “Listening Challenge”, please do not read English translation below yet!


Something pops in my mind when I first heard about Ichiyo Higuchi.

That is, the five thousand yen bill!

Yukichi Fukuzawa is the one on the ten thousand bill, however, she is the one on the five thousand yen bill.









I reminded of money since I used to be a banker.

At the same time, I majored in Japanese literature in university, so her famous novels should have come up in my mind.

Ichiyo Higuchi was born in a wealthy family, but her father passed away after his business failed and accumulated a lot of debt.

Several offers of marriage were taken back due to her dad’s debt. It seems she even had a proposal from Soseki Natsume.

She had to work for her mother and sister to live.

She worked while writing novels but Ogai Mori liked her writing, so her novels sold well.

However, 14 months after her writing began being sold, Ichiyo passed away due to T.B. at 24 years old.

Yukichi Fukuzawa became the ten thousand yen because he contributed to Japan’s rapidly growing economy.

Then, how did Ichiyo Higuchi become the five thousand yen?

Her writing is mostly about the “inevitable destiny of women in Meiji era”

Her famous writings are Takekurabe, Nigorie and Jyuusanya.

Takekurabe is about 14-year-old Midori and Shinyo’s love.

Midori is a beautiful and bright girl whose older sister is a prostitute, and Shinyo is a serious and quiet boy whose dad is a monk.

Midori and Shinyo stopped talking because other kids teased how close they were.

A few years later, it describes a sad separation between a girl who became a prostitute and a boy who became a monk.

At the end of story, someone throws a lily to into the yard of Midori’s house before she goes to the yukaku (place for prostitute girls). It seems like the person who sent the lily was Shinyo, however, Midori did not know.

In Nigorie, a woman named Oriki was born in a poor family, so she gave up her life and became a prostitute and was sad.

There was a man with a wife and child, however, he used all his money and went bankrupt. Also, there was a quiet man with whom Oriki fell in love. He listens to what Oriki says, however, he keeps a distance from her mentally. Although he is quiet and cold, he listens to her. I guess the mysterious man is popular in any era.

In Jyusanya, a woman from a poor family gets married with a wealthy man, however, he is a so-called “Domestic Violence” man, so she was treated badly, and she goes back to her parents’ home.

Her mother had sympathy, however, her dad told her to be patient since there were many husbands like hers at the time.

When she was going back to her husband, she met a man she had feelings for before getting married.

That man also loved her, so when she got married with another man, his lifestyle changed badly. The two of them can’t say their feeling, though, they knew how the other felt without words.

Back to the beginning, though, why she was chosen as the five thousand yen?

First of all, most her writings are about women’s sadness that they can’t change their destiny, though, she is the one who becomes famous when she was 20 years old.

The reason why she was chosen as the person on the five thousand yen is because she was a young woman who is known as a famous writer even though she is a woman.

I feel sorry for women of the Meiji era.

However, Ichiyo contributed to promote women’s right.

Akiko Yosano was a big one of Ichiyo Higuchi.

Even in modern world, predominance of men over women exist, however, now is a great era because women can do anything such as going to university or become a career women.


上級へのとびら CH2−8 (会話文1 /P34)

Company worker Daisuke Kimura calls the home of his girlfriend, Kumi Kobayashi, and speaks with her mother.

Kobayashi: Hello?

Kimura: Hello, is this the Kobayashi residence?

Kobayashi: Yes, this is Kobayashi speaking, but…(who is this?)

Kimura: Ah, my name is Daisuke Kimura. May I speak to Kimi?

Kobayashi: Oh it’s Daisuke? Thank you for always taking care of Kumi.

Kimura: Oh, no, I should thank her. Um, actually, I’ve left messages on Kumi’s cell phone several times, but I haven’t been contacted yet, so…(I don’t know what to do.)

Kobayashi: Oh, is that so? I’m sorry. I heard that she dropped her cell phone somewhere yesterday.

Kimura: Really? Is she there now?

Kobayashi: Well, right now she’s gone out for a little bit, but…(what should I do?)

Kimura: Oh, I see. Then, I’ll try calling again later. Thank you very much.

Kobayashi: Is that all right? I’m sorry about that.

Kimura: Goodbye now.

Kobayashi: Goodbye.